Bahamas foreign charter tax (Obligatory)
0,00 €
Payable now
per booking
Bahamas foreign charter tax (Obligatory)
0,00 €
Payable now
per booking
Bahamas Taxes (Obligatory)
0,00 €
Payable now
per booking
Bahamas Taxes (Obligatory)
0,00 €
Payable now
per booking
Belize Taxes (Obligatory)
0,00 €
Payable now
per booking
Belize Taxes (Obligatory)
0,00 €
Payable now
per booking
Cancellation insurance (Obligatory)
200,00 €
Payable now
per booking
Cancellation insurance (Obligatory)
200,00 €
Payable now
per booking
Credit card payments 3% surcharge (Obligatory)
0,00 €
Payable now
per booking
Credit card payments 3% surcharge (Obligatory)
0,00 €
Payable now
per booking
Cruising tax (Obligatory)
4,00 €
Payable at the base
per guest/day
Cruising tax (Obligatory)
4,00 €
Payable at the base
per guest/day
Dinghy (Obligatory)
45,00 €
Payable now
per day
Dinghy (Obligatory)
45,00 €
Payable now
per day
DRA (Obligatory)
50,00 €
Payable now
per day
DRA (Obligatory)
50,00 €
Payable now
per day
DRA (Obligatory)
50,00 €
Payable now
per day
DRA (Obligatory)
50,00 €
Payable now
per day
DRA (Obligatory)
50,00 €
Payable now
per day
DRA (Obligatory)
50,00 €
Payable now
per day
DRA (Obligatory)
50,00 €
Payable now
per day
DRA (Obligatory)
50,00 €
Payable now
per day
Final cleaning (Obligatory)
275,00 €
Payable now
per booking
Final cleaning (Obligatory)
285,00 €
Payable now
per booking
Final cleaning (Obligatory)
275,00 €
Payable now
per booking
Final cleaning (Obligatory)
285,00 €
Payable now
per booking
Florida sales tax (Obligatory)
0,00 €
Payable now
per booking
Florida sales tax (Obligatory)
0,00 €
Payable now
per booking
Maryland Amusement Tax 5% (Obligatory)
0,00 €
Payable now
per booking
Maryland Amusement Tax 5% (Obligatory)
0,00 €
Payable now
per booking
Maryland State Tax 6% (Obligatory)
0,00 €
Payable now
per booking
Maryland State Tax 6% (Obligatory)
0,00 €
Payable now
per booking
National parks permit (Obligatory)
25,00 €
Payable at the base
per booking
National parks permit (Obligatory)
25,00 €
Payable at the base
per booking
Outboard fuel & Gas (Obligatory)
50,00 €
Dinghy Fuel - Payable now
per booking
Outboard fuel & Gas (Obligatory)
50,00 €
Dinghy Fuel - Payable now
per booking
Outboard fuel & Gas (Obligatory)
40,00 €
Dinghy Fuel - Payable now
per booking
Outboard fuel & Gas (Obligatory)
40,00 €
Dinghy Fuel - Payable now
per booking
ASA 90 Day Temp Membership
39,00 €
Payable now
per person/per course
ASA 90 Day Temp Membership
39,00 €
Payable now
per person/per course
ASA 90 Day Temp Membership
39,00 €
Payable now
per person/per course
ASA 90 Day Temp Membership
39,00 €
Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
50,00 €
Certificate 101 - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
50,00 €
Other - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
50,00 €
Other - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
50,00 €
Certificate 114 - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
50,00 €
Certificate 104 - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
50,00 €
RPBA Certification Processing Fee
- Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
50,00 €
Certificate 103 - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
50,00 €
Certificate 101 - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
50,00 €
Certificate 103 - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
50,00 €
Certificate 114 - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
50,00 €
Certificate 104 - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
150,00 €
Certificate 101
- Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
150,00 €
Certificate 103
- Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
200,00 €
Certificate 104
- Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
200,00 €
Certificate 114
- Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
250,00 €
Overnight Open Water. Available only on Flotilla Sails; Certificate 106
- Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
325,00 €
105 - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
375,00 €
101 - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
395,00 €
103 - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
400,00 €
Overnight Open Water. Available only on Flotilla Sails; Certificate 105
- Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
400,00 €
Certificate 101, 103 & 104
- Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
450,00 €
114 - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
550,00 €
Overnight Open Water. Available only on Flotilla Sails; Certificate 105 & 106
- Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
655,00 €
101/103 Combo - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
665,00 €
104 - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
790,00 €
106 - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
850,00 €
103/114 Combo - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
850,00 €
105/106 Combo - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
50,00 €
Certificate 103 - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
50,00 €
Other - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
50,00 €
Certificate 101 - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
50,00 €
RPBA Certification Processing Fee
- Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
50,00 €
Certificate 114 - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
50,00 €
Certificate 101 - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
50,00 €
Other - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
50,00 €
Certificate 104 - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
50,00 €
Certificate 104 - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
50,00 €
Certificate 103 - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
50,00 €
Certificate 114 - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
150,00 €
Certificate 103
- Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
150,00 €
Certificate 101
- Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
200,00 €
Certificate 114
- Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
200,00 €
Certificate 104
- Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
250,00 €
Overnight Open Water. Available only on Flotilla Sails; Certificate 106
- Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
325,00 €
105 - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
375,00 €
101 - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
395,00 €
103 - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
400,00 €
Certificate 101, 103 & 104
- Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
400,00 €
Overnight Open Water. Available only on Flotilla Sails; Certificate 105
- Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
450,00 €
114 - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
550,00 €
Overnight Open Water. Available only on Flotilla Sails; Certificate 105 & 106
- Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
655,00 €
101/103 Combo - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
665,00 €
104 - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
790,00 €
106 - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
850,00 €
103/114 Combo - Payable now
per person/per course
ASA Processing Fee
850,00 €
105/106 Combo - Payable now
per person/per course
220,00 €
Payable now
per day + food
300,00 €
These are included in the invoice. Unlike the US Bases, we pay the Captain's. - Payable now
per day + food
300,00 €
Paid directly to Captain - Payable at the base
per day + food
300,00 €
Daysail - from 9:00am - 5:00pm; The client's pay the Captain directly - Payable at the base
per day + food
350,00 €
Instructional; These are included in the invoice. Unlike the US Bases, we pay the Captain's. - Payable now
per day + food
350,00 €
Multi-day - For overnight charters, this rate is charged per number of charter days. The client pays the Captain directly. - Payable at the base
per day + food
450,00 €
Instructional; Paid directly to Captain - Payable at the base
per day
220,00 €
Payable now
per day + food
300,00 €
These are included in the invoice. Unlike the US Bases, we pay the Captain's. - Payable now
per day + food
300,00 €
Paid directly to Captain - Payable at the base
per day + food
300,00 €
Daysail - from 9:00am - 5:00pm; The client's pay the Captain directly - Payable at the base
per day + food
450,00 €
Instructional; Paid directly to Captain - Payable at the base
per day
350,00 €
Instructional; These are included in the invoice. Unlike the US Bases, we pay the Captain's. - Payable now
per day + food
350,00 €
Multi-day - For overnight charters, this rate is charged per number of charter days. The client pays the Captain directly. - Payable at the base
per day + food
Captain By Day
350,00 €
Payable now
per day + food
Captain By Day
350,00 €
Payable now
per day + food
Captain By Night
450,00 €
Payable now
per night
Captain By Night
450,00 €
Payable now
per night
Certification Skipper (ASA)
400,00 €
Per Day of instruction (includes overnights) - Payable at the base
per day
Certification Skipper (ASA)
450,00 €
Payable at the base
per day
Certification Skipper (ASA)
400,00 €
Per Day of instruction (includes overnights) - Payable at the base
per day
Certification Skipper (ASA)
450,00 €
Payable at the base
per day
400,00 €
Overnight - Payable now
per day + food
400,00 €
Overnight - Payable now
per day + food
Daily trips
400,00 €
Trips north from Guana - Payable now
per booking
Daily trips
400,00 €
Trips north from Guana - Payable now
per booking
Day Checkout Captain
200,00 €
Checkout Captain is typically a 1/2 day and is only for "testing" the charterers knowledge on the boat before they take it as a bareboat; These are included in the invoice. Unlike the US Bases, we pay the Captain's. - Payable now
per booking
Day Checkout Captain
300,00 €
8 hour Captain. Paid directly to Captain - Payable at the base
per booking
Day Checkout Captain
300,00 €
Checkout Captain is typically a full day and is only for "testing" the charterers knowledge on the boat before they take it as a bareboat; The client's pay the Captain directly - Payable at the base
per booking
Day Checkout Captain
300,00 €
8 hour Captain. Paid directly to Captain - Payable at the base
per booking
Day Checkout Captain
200,00 €
Checkout Captain is typically a 1/2 day and is only for "testing" the charterers knowledge on the boat before they take it as a bareboat; These are included in the invoice. Unlike the US Bases, we pay the Captain's. - Payable now
per booking
Day Checkout Captain
300,00 €
Checkout Captain is typically a full day and is only for "testing" the charterers knowledge on the boat before they take it as a bareboat; The client's pay the Captain directly - Payable at the base
per booking
100,00 €
NauticEd skipper training hours - Payable at the base
per person/per course
200,00 €
NauticEd bareboat hours - Payable at the base
per person/per course
100,00 €
NauticEd skipper training hours - Payable at the base
per person/per course
200,00 €
NauticEd bareboat hours - Payable at the base
per person/per course
Extra cleaning
400,00 €
Payable at the base
per service
Extra cleaning
400,00 €
Payable at the base
per service
Fuel charge
300,00 €
+ 500,00$ deposit; This is only for day trips
- Payable now
per booking
Fuel charge
300,00 €
+ 500,00$ deposit; This is only for day trips
- Payable now
per booking
220,00 €
On Day Trips - Payable now
per booking
220,00 €
On Day Trips - Payable now
per booking
350,00 €
Payable now
per day + food
350,00 €
Payable now
per day + food
Participation fee
175,00 €
NauticEd sign up fee - Payable at the base
per person/per course
Participation fee
175,00 €
NauticEd sign up fee - Payable at the base
per person/per course
Relocation fees
1.000,00 €
Ambergris Caye & Caye Caulker - Payable now
per service
Relocation fees
1.400,00 €
Placencia and Southern Belize - Payable now
per service
Relocation fees
2.000,00 €
Punta Gorda - Payable now
per service
Relocation fees
3.000,00 €
Rio Dulce, Guatemala - Payable now
per service
Relocation fees
1.000,00 €
Ambergris Caye & Caye Caulker - Payable now
per service
Relocation fees
1.400,00 €
Placencia and Southern Belize - Payable now
per service
Relocation fees
2.000,00 €
Punta Gorda - Payable now
per service
Relocation fees
3.000,00 €
Rio Dulce, Guatemala - Payable now
per service
350,00 €
On Day Trips - Payable now
per booking
350,00 €
On Day Trips - Payable now
per booking
Sleep over after check out
700,00 €
Payable now
per booking
Sleep over after check out
700,00 €
Payable now
per booking
Sleep over before check in
0,00 €
50% of average daily charter price;
4pm with briefing the following morning - Payable now
per booking
Sleep over before check in
700,00 €
at 3:00 PM - Payable now
per booking
Sleep over before check in
0,00 €
50% of average daily charter price;
4pm with briefing the following morning - Payable now
per booking
Sleep over before check in
700,00 €
at 3:00 PM - Payable now
per booking
Turnaround/Cleaning Fee
250,00 €
Mini-Turnaround Fee (4 hours);
Description: Change of linens and towels, bathroom refresh, cabin and galley refresh - Payable at the base
per booking
Turnaround/Cleaning Fee
250,00 €
Mini-Turnaround Fee (4 hours);
Description: Change of linens and towels, bathroom refresh, cabin and galley refresh - Payable at the base
per booking